This is south-Africa's second most deadly scorpion, I only know its 'afrikaans' common name its "Transvaalse dikstert skerpioen" its scientific name is parrabuthus transvaalicus. I had the privilege to care for it for a little while. When I got it I fed it a baby mice and the scorpion ate it.
He could eat two crickets at a time, he hunted them without stinging them. I also fed him big stuff like grasshopper's.Later the scorpion escaped but I found it again. it was a true horror. This is when we met uncle Jonnathan Leeming known as the scorpion king.He told us how dangerous this specie was and that we should immediately put it back into the field. We talked about scorpions and other creepy crawlies. The photo here shows uncle Jonathan,s book and the photo down here shows were uncle Jonathan singed my book.
So glad this will not be a hobby of my son. He does not like crawlies.